
Monday, February 4, 2013

Boot camp workout: Is it right for you?

Boot Camp workout: Is it right for you?
Just as the armed forces are searching for changes to boot camp, such as adding yoga and Pilate's, fitness buffs are signing up for boot camp workouts modeled on old-school military training. What's the attraction of a boot camp workout? Building strength, endurance and agility to overcome your daily routine. But are you up to the challenge?
Just what is a boot camp workout?
Boot camp workouts can be different but generally include a fairly intense mix of strength training and aerobic elements. One boot camp workout might stress calisthenics while the other may stress military-style drills. Some even incorporate martial arts moves.
In pretty much all cases, however, you can expect to do calisthenics, such as push-ups, lunges and crunches,as well as drills and sprints. A boot camp workout is a type of interval training-bursts of intense activity with intervals of lighter activity.
The benefits of a boot camp workout
The goal of a fitness boot camp is to provide a whole-body workout that helped build strength and endurance. Boot camp workouts also attract many people because they:
  • Offer more challenging and a varied workout
  • Require little or no equipment
  • Create a sense of companionship among the participants
Is a boot camp workout for anybody?
Boot camps often appeal to fit individuals looking for a more intense workout. but, some boot camp classes can be adapted for more sedentary individuals. So before you join, ask about the boot camp's basic structure, goals and prerequisites to assess whether it will be a good fit for you.

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