
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fitness I Like schedule and prices

Fitness I Like Price List

Fitness I Like boot camp is super! Tina pushes you but at the level that each person needs individually. All equipment is providing a full-body workout. It never gets dull! Compared to other programs this one gives you the most for your money.

All packages are good for any class, we just ask that you plan ahead, schedule and commit to class times, and keep their schedule up-to-date, but may attend different days throughout the month.

$130.00 per month
Ultimate classes BEST
$90.00 per month
Three Days per week
(12 classes)
$50.00 per month
Two days per week
(8 classes)
Good for maintaining your fitness level or supplementing other fitness training

We have Fitness I Like 8-Week Boot Camp- Functional Strength Training Program. Body Makeover Program to build endurance, strength, balance, coordination & flexibility. It also comes with a Full The Fire meal plan for only $200.00
Monday- 6-7pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday- 6:30-7:30pm
Thursday- 7-8pm
                                               TRAIL CLASSES
We offer a class for non-members to try out our boot camp class
For only $7.00, come find what a typical class is like with Fitness I Like and learn more about our program! All classes are modified for ALL fitness levels


Arm Yourself Against Exercise Excuses

Guard Yourself Against Exercise Excuses

Winning the Fight Against Yourself

I got into a fight this morning. It was not a “debate." It was not a “disagreement.” It was a full blown battle. No, it wasn’t with my husband or kids or even the other drivers on the highway. The fight started before work and even before anyone else in the house was awaken. The person I had a fight with was myself.

You see, if I am going to exercise, it has to go like this: Up at 4:45 a.m., running by 5:00, in the shower by 6:00, and then out the door to work. Now, I never said  this routine was easy (thus the fight). Always on time, I was awakened by the sound beep, Beep, BEEP of my alarm,signing the start of the fight. It was on!

You must be joking. I feel like I just went to bed a few hours ago! FOR GOODNESS SAKE, IT IS BLACK OUTSIDE!

Another excuse stab here: I’m tired!

A plea blow there: It’s dark!

A surprise shot in the dark: Don't get out of this warm bed!

I kept moving during the attack as the barrage of excuses filled my mind. I slowly made it to the restroom to find today's running gear where I left it the night before. Even there, the assault continued: I can't get up and run when it gets cold.  Then I was hit from behind with another blow of plea: It’s too dark. I could get hit by a car!

I put on my guard to boost my strength and defend myself better. Socks on.   Pants. Shirt, shoes, and . Trusty MP3 player
 in hand. That was all it took to bring down the offender. The battle was over and I was out the door. Even then I could roughly hear this voice from afar telling me: Just run three miles instead of the usual five. But it was too late—I had won today by a putting it down!

That was my battle this morning, but in reality, it's a battle I fight every day. I’d like to say that I am an undefeated champion, but that would   not be right. Sometimes I do lose and the voice wins. Many people think that a personal trainer never misses a workout and never struggles with eating the right things (or staying away from the not-so-right things). But I struggle just as much as everyone else. It is not easier for me than it is for others. It all comes to the moment of the decision—like 4:45 a.m. every morning. That's where the battle is won or lost.

We all know how important exercise is to our health. We  know we should do it, but we allow ourselves “outs” with what we consider justifiable excuses. You can excuse yourself out of anything if you keep listening to yourself long enough. You can let those rationalizations make sense if you try. But I have come to a personal conclusion, a motto of sorts:

I will do what I need to do, in order to do what I want to do.

If that means getting up at 4:45 a.m. then so be it. I want to be healthy for a long time. I’ve got a long list of reasons why. I like to feel good and feel good about myself. I like the way exercise and eating well make me feel. I want to be around to spend a long, healthy lifetime with my husband. I want to wrestle with my son and laugh and play and see him grow up and even  play with my-grand kids ! I want to be in the "90 and up" age category in the local 5K! I will do what it takes to do (exercise and eat right) in order to do what I want to do (live a full life).

I'll tell you something I don’t want though. I don’t want to cheat myself I want to treat myself because I didn’t do the things I should have to live that long life. I don’t want to take away from my husband or kids of years they could have with me. I don’t want to in the  hospital room one day thinking, “I wish I would have taken better care of myself and not allowed this to happen.”

I want to reassure others to do what they need to do to be healthy. I want to encourage you to stay in the game and not give in so easily. Nike still has the best excuse-buster I can think of: Just Do It! Does it mean getting up early even though you'd rather sleep longer? Just do it. Does it mean staying up later to hit the gym and cook a healthy meal? Just do it. Is it hot or cold outside? Just do it. Name some reason's why you shouldn’t do it, and just do it anyway.

The fight will be on again the next morning. Same time, same place. Wish me luck—no, wish me determination—and I’ll do the same for you! After all, we are in this battle together

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

For many black women, working out or having nice hair is a dilemma.

To exercise, or to have great-looking hair. For many black women, that is the question.
Sweat and water are the enemies of many a costly, painstakingly achieving black hairstyle. That have doctores, finess instuctors and even the U.S. surgeon general concerned may be keeping countless black women from exercising.
We encourage your feedback and dialog.
Please be civil and respectful.

Drop A Dress Size Boot Camp

Monday, January 28, 2013

Fitness I Like will like for you to start following us on we would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

Lower Body workout

Fitness I Like had an awesome class on Monday evening we did a lower body workout and cardio, and I tell the ladies worked really hard today. I was a proud boot camp leader because they came out looking and expecting greatness. Way to go ladies keep up the good work because healthy bodies are made in the winter, so by summer we will see our results.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

This is the time of the year to get in shape only because we are all cooped up in our homes where it's nice and cozy. Let's not fool ourseleves by not doing anything as far as moving our bodies and getting in shape. You could always join Fitness I Like and we will help you reach your goals.